Monday, October 19, 2009

Fall practices and games

Our fall season has been filled with football games and soccer games. Literally every Saturday either Danielle has a soccer game or Zach has a football game or both. Zach has made a total of 3 touchdowns so far! He is so excited when he makes one! It is fun to see the sweet little grin on his face as his teammates congratulate him. Danielle keeps getting better and better at soccer. She is a defender and helps prevent the opposing team from making many goals. This is her second year playing soccer and she loves it. Gabby and Savannah are thinking about playing basketball in a month.

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Organized sports can be a pain sometimes but they have so many good qualities for kids' development. Lauren likes to defend the goal too. The last game she played a great sweeper.